
Monday, June 07, 2010

Where are the days going?!

So sorry I started to slack again! I need someone to stay on my case when I go this long without updating! 
I am working on the hiking story still... it is actually turning out pretty good, but it may be a little too graphic or a tiny bit disturbing. Sorry if it is. I have a sick mind. I will try to get that story finished and posted within the next few days.

So, ping pong is one of my new favorite games to play. It is so much fun! (Even though I am terrible! ha) There was a party type deal tonight at a friend's house and we played Round Robin, doubles, and sting pong. We also played Spoons! Every time we play, it always seems to be down to the same three people: Ashley, Christine, and myself. We are the most competitive and therefore, the most violent. Cards fly everywhere and injuries occur. In our minds, losing is NOT an option. We ended the game in a "three way tie" because we were all so scared to lose to each other. It was quite humorous. :D

JFest was this weekend. It is a big outdoor concert that hosts of all kinds of Christian bands. Some of the artists were Barlow Girl, Matthew West, Brit Nicole, Aaron Shust, Jonny Diaz, Natalie Grant, and a bunch more. Emily used her concert magical powers to get her, Ash, and myself VIP passes. We met several artists and snapped a few pictures with a couple of them.

It's been a great weekend! There is so much going on these days that I don't feel like there are enough hours in the day... but I love it! I have a great life. :o)

Barlow Girl

Brit Nicole

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cassie! I checked out your blog. I enjoyed the one about Brandy! I'm looking forward to reading your stories on here!

