
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Girl with the red balloon.

Oh, where do I start?

Well, I have a new job. I have been a pediatric ophthalmic technician for two weeks now. I absolutely love it! (Who would have ever thought I would say that I love my job? NOT ME.) On Dr. McCarty days, I do work ups for office visits and post-ops. My office got a whole new computer system a few months before I came on board, so there is a little more work to do in the computer than they're used to, but I am coping just fine. I really like that it's all in the computer. I find it enjoyable to work up patients; I get to put in dilating drops and use a tonopen to check their pressures (by touching the instrument to the eyeball; so cool). On Dr. Peterson days, I am a scribe, which means I go in with the doctor and type in and click what he tells me to while he is examining the patient. I was most nervous about my duty as a scribe; one, because this doctor owns the place and I didn't want to mess up and two, because it is so different from anything I am used to... and I'm not big on change. However, I started going in with him on Monday and picked it up pretty quickly, and I actually like it a lot. I do miss-type and miss-click at times, but he teaches as we go through the exam.

Dr. McCarty will see between 20 and 30 something patients in a day, so it's pretty steady. Dr. Peterson sees 60 something every time he is in the office, so it gets really busy. I don't get to sit down much when he's there, but it's alright because it makes the time fly so fast.

Anyway, I rambled on about it because I am so much happier now. I love the people I work with. They are way rad, man.

I woke up this morning with a semi-scratchy throat. I thought it was just from a night of the fan on medium and my snoring on high, but it has gotten so much worse throughout the day. A couple of people at work have gone through this too. I constantly had a cough drop in my mouth all day so I wouldn't break out into a coughing fit while I touched and breathed on patients. Sigh. I'm getting sick.

This past weekend, my siblings and I, along with my brother-in-law Mat, my soon-to-be brother-in-law Jacob, and my best friend Bubba, got to be in the same city at the same time! It's a rare but special occasion when such an event occurs. I wish the fun could have lasted longer than one weekend, but I'll take what I can get.

I feel so disjointed right now (and I really really want to give my full attention to this music I just bought on iTunes), so forgive me for cutting you off from my other thoughts. If you're interested in what will be playing on my iPod: The Civil Wars and Elenowen. Both duos have amazing abilities. I'd kill for their talent.

Say a little prayer for my health. (Thank you if you did!)

I'll catch you on the flip side.

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