
Friday, September 23, 2011

Officially Autumn.

The first day of fall certainly warrants a blog post. I have been waiting for today since the first scorching hot day of the summer. Are we in agreement that the summer was unbearable? Yes, we are. ...I thought so.

I'm not typically a morning person - usually I will not talk to you until I completely wake up, which takes a couple of hours - but I am feeling particularly happy today. I think because the events of today have been quite comical, and I have only been awake for less than 2 hours.

Ash woke me up this morning so that I could braid her hair. She told me my alarm had been going off for a long time and that she herself was almost late for work. This gave me the idea that I was running late. In a hurry, I checked the time; it said 7:30 on my phone but my brain registered that it was 8:30. So, like usual, I let myself lay in bed for 10 or 15 more minutes. I had planned on getting up early to straighten my hair, but at this point, I threw my hair up in messy pigtails. I rushed out to my car and was on my way to work, running just a few minutes behind... like normal. I walked up to our office door and almost unlocked it when I noticed that there were no lights on in LensCrafters and they are always here before the doctor's side. I checked my phone to see if someone tried to contact me because they were late and that is the point that I noticed it had just turned 8:03 am. Not 9:03. I was one whole hour early to work. There was nothing I could do but laugh. I felt a little dumb. And a little embarrassed.

But I quickly absolved my embarrassment by treating myself to a Pumpkin Spiced Latte for the first day of fall. How convenient is it that Starbucks is just across the parking lot from my work? I am one lucky optometric technician. ;)

I enjoyed the latte in Starbucks for a while before retreating to my car to finish it off while listening to The Cab. (BTW, they have a new album "Symphony Soldier" that is to die for. I am in love with the entire album and have been able to listen to nothing else. You must go out and buy it!) While sitting in my car, a few drops of the orange colored latte dropped onto my light green scrubs. I had a napkin so I dipped it in the cup of water I had with me and scrubbed the two spots until it was only semi-noticeable. A few minutes later, I did it again - this time, it was more like splashes of latte. I then happened to notice a random pair of nicely-folded-and-ready-to-be-worn scrubs in my car. I just had to chuckle at the situation.

Nothing went "right" this morning but everything turned out better than I had wanted/planned. I think it was God who orchestrated this entire thing. It's Friday. It's Fall. It feels fabulous outside. He sure knows how to make me happy. :)

Happy Friday, lovelies!

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