
Friday, January 14, 2011


Haven't done this in a while... 54, yo.

Sorry if I repeat anything from a previous facts post.

  1. I have an argyle print case on my Droid Incredible.
  2. In first grade, I was using the restroom we had in the back of the classroom and someone (a girl) walked in on me. Apparently, I forgot to lock the door. I was so embarrassed.
  3. The first animal (besides a dog) that I became very interested in was a polar bear.
  4. I used to watch Grey's Anatomy on the computer in Sandspurs during my free period.
  5. I once saw my dog's reflection in a mirror. (She had been dead for months.)
  6. Blakeley and I met two guys in Daytona that live not even an hour away from me now. It's a small world.
  7. My favorite teacher of all time is my 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Chapman. She made me want to be a teacher. (Although, that is no longer my dream.)
  8. I have written part of a novel.
  9. I can't help but say "that's what she said" when the opportunity presents itself.
  10. I snore loudly, I'm told.
  11. If I could have one selfish wish, I'd wish for musical talent (including: singing, piano and guitar).
  12. I like the Across the Universe soundtrack better than the Beatles' original songs.
  13. I love the Disney Channel movies from my era; not the crap they produce these days.
  14. When I hear something thought provoking, funny, or clever, I think "I'm going to make that my status!" Admitted Facebook Nerd.
  15. When I was young, we had a dog named Scotty. Ash named him that because he looked similar to the Scotty dog she had on her sweater.
  16. Ash got to name every pet we had so when my mom got her an albino ferret for Christmas one year, I named it before Mom gave it to her. I named the ferret Jules because her pink eyes matched the pink jewels on her collar.
  17. I love to make desserts for people, though I don't do it often.
  18. I have never been out of the country.
  19. I seriously have the greatest family (extended family included) on Earth. I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.
  20. I don't like sweet tea.
  21. Fruit is my favorite dessert.
  22. I have two blue piggy banks (one big, one small). I think I started a collection.
  23. When I go on a trip or will be staying with someone for a few days, I like to bring a stack of movies with me. I need options.
  24. Ash and I had a verbal fight one (a long time ago when we lived in the same room), and I shoved her into our dresser. At the time, I had never felt so powerful yet so horrible about any one thing in my life. I'm sorry seester.
  25. Yard sales were one of my favorite things to do growing up. We would get up really early and Dad would have a Hardee's breakfast waiting for us. Then we would all sit in the driveway for hours selling our long forgotten items.
  26. I have just decided that I like wearing chipped fingernail polish. It's White Trash Chic.
  27. Reminiscing with old friends brings me joy.
  28. I have never been a cat person; in fact, I can't stand cats... but, little Hazo has stolen my heart. So, maybe I will have a cat one day, just so I can name it Lord Volde-- actually, I better refer to it as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named... phew, that was a close call.
  29. I love to write with Sharpie markers on cardboard boxes.
  30. My hearing is awful. I don't think my ears process sounds quick enough for my brain.
  31. I used to like when I would get a splinter in my foot; it hurt so good when Mom would dig it out with a needle.
  32. I don't fix my hair enough (as in straighten it). However, when I do fix it, people's hands flock towards it with intention of playing with it; one of the perks of long hair.
  33. One of my favorite things to do is to sit in a cafe style restaraunt/coffee shop with my Mac. Such a relaxing enviornment.
  34. I have been at the same job for just over three years now. I think it's getting to be time to move on.
  35. I slipped and fell down half a flight of stairs. This was just last week.
  36. I like infomercials; sometimes, I even like the Home Shopping Network (you know, when they go on and on about one product..).
  37. Easy A is quickly becoming one of my favorite movies.
  38. I eat Taco Bell way too much.
  39. I had to start wearing glasses in 1st grade. I would hide them in my desk until it was absolutely necessary for me to wear them.
  40. I can't stand when people use the following in texts: ur (your/you're), 2 (too/to), u (you), gr8 (great), wut (what), luv (love), the overuse of exclamation points, and any other misspellings/unnecessary text lingo.
  41. I sing (loudly, I might add) for the entire four hour drive from Chattanooga to North Augusta.
  42. Most of the time, I put my left contact lens in first in the morning and take my right one out first at night.
  43. My tongue is really short.
  44. When I was 7 or 8, I spent the night with a friend one Saturday night and realized the next day was Mother's Day. As we were going to sleep that night, I cried a little at the thought of not seeing my mom when I was going to wake up.
  45. I have to pop my back constantly.
  46. I am a pack rat.
  47. I don't like the way my hands look in pictures.
  48. The hilarity of a situation is multiplied by 7 inside of my head. That is why I am laughing, so you can stop asking. ;)
  49. The scent of a softball field is one of my most favorite smells.
  50. Sometimes I whistle while I talk. I get it from Brad.
  51. I was a base for the best stunt group on the cheerleading squad in middle school. My sister was the other base. (Props to Ally for being the best flier!)
  52. I once fell asleep while laying out in the sun and when I woke up, a granddaddy longlegs was on my face. Ever since then, I have been deathly afraid of them.
  53. Rummikub is one of my all time favorite games.
  54. I don't like pie.

Previous: .... 50 .... 51 .... 52 .... 53 ....

I'm going to North Augusta for the weekend! Look out for fun anecdotes. ;)

Movies seen in theater: 1

DvD bought: 2

Hope you all have a great rest of the day!
Stay classy.

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