
Friday, July 30, 2010

Car Troubles.

I took my car to get new brakes today because my car shakes and I sometimes hear a grinding sound when I put on my brakes. The guy inspected it and told me that I needed new brakes, rotors, and drums.. whatever those are. The estimate that he came up with was $450.. so, including tax and all, it would be 500 freaking dollars. 

Luckily, my friends' dad, Bill, happened to come into the lobby before the mechanic came in (he was getting something done to his car). Bill told me that I should probably get someone else to look at it to make sure what they were saying was legit. So I called my grandpa and he told me that our family friend could do it all, I would just have to buy the parts which would make the whole process A LOT cheaper. I am very thankful that Bill was there to tell me that they were probably ripping me off. Stupid men... preying off of girls who are mechanically ignorant. 

So, now I am still driving around in the death trap. Pray that it holds together until I can get it fixed!

Not only are the brakes messed up, but I need a whole new set of tires. I went about a month ago to get them rotated and the guy told me that the tread was getting so worn off that rotating them would make it more unsafe.

There is also a HUGE crack in my windshield that has been getting bigger and bigger over the past several weeks. I've been holding off on getting one or the other to see which would be more imperative because I know that as soon as I get new tires, my windshield will shatter or if I were to get a new windshield, my tires would blow out. I would be up a creek without a paddle.

But now, the brakes come first. This is so frustrating! I miss living with my dad because he took care of my car and could fix anything that was wrong with it. 

Lord, please help me!

1 comment:

  1. Girl..... I'm right there with you when it comes to the frustration on men preying on helpless women and their cars.... grrrrrrrrr.....
