
Monday, August 23, 2010

Cassie Burton.

My friend Emily sent me a link to a literary magazine online. I checked it out to see what they had to offer and came across an annual contest they host. The contest consists of writing a short story through dialogue only. 
The Rules: Compose a short story entirely of dialogue. You may use as many characters as you want. Your entry must be under 2000 words. Your entry does not have to follow standard rules for writing dialogue. Your entry cannot use any narration (this includes tag lines such as he said, she said, etc.). These are the only rules. Manipulate them however you see fit.
It sounds fun, right? I think so too, and I am glad to say that I just wrote my story for it. :)

As I was writing the dialogue and the plot became known to me, I realized that the story is a bit morbid... as is my short story that I will be posting on my blog tomorrow. I have come to find out that my mind is a bit twisted. Oh well. I like the way my brother put it; he said "you're the next Tim Burton" and I am oddly okay with that. ;)

I suppose I will also put up the dialogue only story when I get it typed. (I was old-fashioned and wrote with pen and paper.) Look for it soon!

Who is ready to read my twisted thoughts?! :P

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