
Thursday, September 16, 2010


52 FACTS. (see the pattern?)

1. I learned to change a tire in rush hour traffic on the interstate in Atlanta without the help of the woman cop that stopped to give "assistance".

2. Love to online shop, but hardly ever buy anything.

3. My birthday is February 15.

4. I own a pair of Keens that hardly ever get worn.

5. I want a tattoo on my wrist and foot.

6. I am completely stubborn.

7. Can't drink milk by itself; in fact, I can only tolerate it in cereal.

8. I am deathly afraid of caterpillars. (and any other worm-like creature)

9. I would rather EAT a caterpillar than speak in front of an audience.

10. [This fact is a secret. Therefore, I cannot reveal it.]

11. Can't stand the sound of my voice on a recording.

12. Have done Locks of Love twice and plan on doing it again soon.

13. I am super ticklish.

14. Wear my Rainbows with everything.

15. I still have a box in my trunk filled with stuff from when I moved to TN over 3 years ago.

16. I laugh at EVERYTHING.

17. Addicted to chapstick.

18. Love shopping at dollar stores. (Did you know everything is $1?!)

19. Favorite letter: R ; Favorite numbers: 2 & 7.

20. I drive an unluxurious Chevy Cavalier named "LJ". (If you can guess why that is his name, you win!)

21. I watch several vloggers on Youtube.

22. I get a headache when I smell a school bus. (I rode the school bus in elementary school and I can remember getting a headache almost everyday from the same smell.)

23. I enjoy storms.

24. Play Sudoku on my iPod every night to ease me into sleep.

25. I really enjoy making lists. (especially on sticky notes!)

26. Sometimes, I do consider moving back to SC... but the consideration doesn't last very long when I remember where I live now.

27. My brother and I once made a model motorcycle for my dad out of an empty toilet paper roll, tootpicks, glue, and whatever else we could find.

28. I live in a house with one roommate.

29. Quite often, I respond to people with a movie quote.

30. I have never even tried any kind of alcoholic beverage.

31. I watch movies while I get ready.

32. My initials are CBS.

33. I don't find silence awkward.

34. I didn't say "butt" or "shut up" until 8th grade.

35. Also, I didn't admit to liking boys until 8th grade.

36. Algebra is fun to me.

37. I tip a waiter/waitress at least $2 even if it was bad service.

38. Sharpie pens are my favorite.

39. When we'd play house, I was the mother; When we'd play school, I was the teacher; When we'd play Madeline, I was the nun... I have an "old" soul.

40. I have seen Rascal Flatts in concert. They were amazing.

41. I do not like, nor do I wear heart jewelry.

42. In first grade, I had to "pull my card" for the first time because the teacher thought I was talking. (Which I was not.) I cried and made myself sick so Momma had to come and get me.

43. My "go to" movies for bed time: Harry Potter, You've Got Mail, Pride and Prejudice, A Walk to Remember, and The Wedding Date.

44. Unless I forget it at home, I wear my Love Waits ring everyday.

45. I am not good at starting or sustaining conversations.

46. The Hunger Games is in the running for my favorite book series.

47. I love to people watch.

48. My hair looks much better when it's short, but I prefer to have long hair.

49. Most days, I don't wear make up to work.

50. I absolutely love cheesy made-for-TV films.

51. I had braces twice.

52. Apparently, my laugh is infectious.

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