
Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Short story fail.

I went to Barnes and Noble tonight specifically to write a new story. I thought the atmosphere would give me new inspiration I have not accessed yet... 

Anyway, I had my earphones in, Rascal Flatts playing in my head, and my notebook laid out in front of me. I thought "this is going to be great! I am so ready to write!"

Well, Cassie, you were WRONG.

I started a story and after the first few lines, and a moment to think about where the story would go, I tore the crap out of that paper. IT. WAS. AWFUL.

So then, I sit and think. And then I sit and think some more. Nothing.

I pulled out a list of story prompts thinking maybe it would help if I had a direction to go in. I selected a prompt that seemed like it would be fun, mysterious, and an all around good story. I knew with this background, the story would flow through my fingers like it was meant to be written. 

I got it started and knew the direction I wanted to take it and I had even written up to the point of surprise but again, it was crap. I don't know what was wrong with me. I kept this fragment of a story in my notebook so maybe I can salvage it later, but I gave up for the night. 

I need a muse. 
And, I am taking 
applications starting now.

In other news, I will be working on the Crossroads Walk to Emmaus this weekend; it starts tomorrow night and is until Sunday afternoon. On the walk, the "caterpillars" are not to have their phone or really any electronic device like a phone, but I think the people working are allowed to. However, I think I will be leaving mine off because it makes the experience so much better. I am telling you this so that if you text or call me and I don't reply/answer, I am not ignoring you... I just won't have my phone with me. 

I will see you next week, world.

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