
Friday, May 28, 2010

S10BL: inter-FRIEND-tion

It's fabulous. It's glamorous. It's scandalous... It's Sex and the City.

The sequel premiered Wednesday night at midnight so Ashley, Emily, and I decided to dress up and go. We aimed for the styles of Carrie and the girls. This won't be the only midnight premier we are going to dress up for. xD

It seems everyone else had the same idea as us. Most people that were there to see SATC2 were dressed up like they were ready for a night out in NYC. There was a girl who dressed up in a long, sparkly gold dress. It was actually kind of cute. And the guys, oh the guys... they all wore dress pants and ties, and some even wore vests. They looked awesome, and definitely did not have a weed-eater if you know what I mean. ;)

The movie was an excellent sequel! And, there was not as much nudity as there was in the first movie.. so I was happy about that. There is some nudity and a few graphic scenes, though, so if you don't like that kind of stuff, this movie is not for you. I was very happy with the directions they went with each character. Carrie handled herself very well when she did something she knew was wrong... I was glad she didn't try to lie about it. Samantha was hilarious! She had some very funny lines. Charlotte was a little neurotic this time and had one of the big problems that needed to be worked out. I was glad they switched it up and let her run into a problem this time. Miranda was very calm and sane; she was also very much into the trip and culture. Since she is usually the kind of downer of the group, I was happy to see her bright and peppy. She also was the one to help Charlotte. And I loved how funny she was. We don't usually get to see this side of Miranda; they did very well with her character.

The clothes were just as insane as ever. Some of it looks ridiculous but then again, these are the women who can pull that kind of stuff off. I have always loved the fashion in this series. It's always so fun!

AIDEN. Oh my goodness, Aiden. He came back in this movie and he looked GOOD. Need I say more?

Have any of you seen the movie yet?
What are your thoughts on it?
(Leave me a comment!)

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