
Tuesday, June 07, 2011

God, according to YOU.

I wrote this for my church blog and wanted to extend the invitation to all of my readers!

Psalm 107:2 Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom he has redeemed from trouble.

As Christians, we know the stories of the love, teachings, and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We take them to heart and share them with those we can. We lead by example, quote scripture, do His works, take part in ministries, preach the Word, and strive to be like Jesus. But, as we share these stories of the Bible to those lost souls, I can't help but think that they see it as just that: a story. We know the Truth and we go out of our way to share the Truth, but until we can make it relate to the audience or ourselves, I think there is a greater chance that your words won't fully reach them.

One of our biggest ministering tools is our personal testimony. I believe that is the start of winning a soul for Christ. If you can share what God has done for you, delivered you from, and what He continues to do for you everyday, others will long to recieve the same type of love; it will most likely get them to ask questions in which you can then answer through scripture.

A testimony doesn't have to be some great story of being rescued from some sinful conflict. A testimony is a recount of how God has changed a person's life no matter where they have come from and through any circumstance of that person's life. I have heard testimonies of a people hitting rock bottom and them finding salvation through Christ, turning their life around 180 degrees. That is what many people think a testimony needs to be, but it goes far beyond that. There is just as much inspiration and worth in a testimony of the person who found God as a child and grew up avoiding the many pitfalls that others go through. Each of our stories is unique and God created us in a way that we will be different from one another, yet equal in His image and transformed by His power. 1 Peter 3:15 says, "but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect." Our testimony tells of our reason for having faith in the One who created us.

What I would like to ask of you is for you to share your testimony through this internet outlet we have the advantage of using. I know it is a big thing to ask, but it is more necessary than you may realize. Not only can a personal testimony have a lasting effect on lost souls, but it can rejuvinate your church family's spirit and faith. It connects us on the spiritual level necessary for a church and helps us to understand one another. If you would like to share your testimony, please send it to my email when you can at or you can give the typed/written copy to Pastor Shannon or myself (Cassie) at church. I will post it to our Inspiration blog on our church website (the page you are viewing right now).

To some (myself included), giving a testimony can seem like a daunting task, and maybe that is because we don't even know where to begin. Start by asking God to guide your thoughts and words.

There are three basic testimonies. (1) The Covenant Child has grown up being nurtured in the Word, in prayer, and in church. They are fully aware of their sinfulness and the necessity for their Savior. There is no radical change that took them from a life of sin to a life of following the Lord, their life is one lived of growth in grace. (2) The Consious Convert has tried in vain to fill the void they have in their life. This person may have grown up in church knowing the right words to say and things to do and yet still do not have a relationship with God, or they may have grown up in a non-God-fearing enviornment. What happens is that they hear the calling of the Lord and turn their lives over to Him. While the daily struggle is still there, they have recieved the grace of the Lord and their life is passionately turned to living for Him. (3) The Wandering Believer has grown up in the faith but for a season, they walk in the darkness and stray from their relationship with God. Things of this world wedge themselves between the wandering believer and their Father. They grow distant and falter, but in His time, God calls them back to faithfulness.

To help you write your testimony, you may use this basic outline:
1- Describe your life before your acceptance of Christ. This is not a biography per say, but an explanation of what you were looking for, what you sought/did to fill the void, the things you deemed important in your life and why.
2- Explain the circumstance that brought you to the foot of the cross and the steps you took to become a Christian.
3- Discuss the changes that occurred after you accepted Christ. This should relate, somewhat, to the before part of your testimony.
4- In conclusion, summarize the needs have been met by God and how has it impacted your own and others' lives.

This is such an amazing tool God has given us to help win souls for His glory. I hope each of you can contribute so that we can testify the way God wants us to and inspire those who read this.


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