
Wednesday, June 01, 2011

New blood.

My boss filled the open position we had at work last week. We shall call the new blood "Lady". She is an older woman and as sweet as she can be, but I don't think she has had a lot of time with a computer. Training is slow-going, though she is eager to learn. This whole week, D is on vacation, leaving Lady and myself to work everyday. Lady just started last Friday so she can't do much other than make an appointment and dispense contact lens supplies; it's been so crazy for me and it is only Wednesday morning. I probably look like a chicken with its head cut off, but at least I will be making bank for the next pay check.

In times of high stress at work, there are several things that will calm my nerves:
(P.S. I am not a complete lazy bum, I make sure to do my work first, but that doesn't take too long...)

(1) I like to doodle. Did you know that? I am always doodling on post-its at work and even have a facebook album of the (better) drawings. Doing any kind of artsy thing helps me calm down. I suppose because I concentrate solely on the project at hand that I forget about the stressful event that is sucking the soul from my body.

I need a little help... what else should I try to draw?!

(2) Sudokuuu. This is one addiction in which there is no cure... even if there was, I would never want to be cured. I whip out my phone and play any chance I get. Again, when I play, I only think about the game, freeing me from the bondage of stress that my job (read: patients/coworkers) give me. I can finish a game in less than 2 minutes now.

I would have to thank my brudder for giving me my first taste of game; after that first win, I just couldn't stop. Every day, I would add one more win than the day before until I got to where I am now: playing whenever, wherever. I even use it to help me drift into sleep at night. Oh yeeeaah.

(3) I could seperate this next one, but it is more prudent to lump it as a whole: the internet. Yahoo is my news outlet choice as well as "celeb gossip" (on OMG!). I stumble like crazy on particularly slow days. And, of course, I use blogger for posting or reading other blogs.

Speaking of blogs, my friend Taylor is in Sweden for four months playing and coaching softball and she started a blog to tell of her daily life there. It's very interesting and fun to keep up with. You should check it out! (CLICK HERE to do so... and become a follower!) I would greatly appreciate it and I am sure she would love your support. :)

(4) Texting. What better way is there to calm your nerves than having a conversation with a friend and pretending like you're not even at work? (Answer: there's not one.)

Movies seen in theaters: 29
DvDs bought: 62

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