November is finally over which means I either reached 50,000 words... or I didn't. And I must break the news to you....
I made it!! :)
It has been a very stressful month because I get way too distracted by things. I kept putting off writing which is exactly what I told myself not to do before I even started. Next year, I will have to remember back to this day when I frantically had to type my fingers raw to reach my goal. It better not happen again, future Cassie.
The novel I was writing is not nearly finished and is very rough around the edges, so I won't be letting anyone read the whole thing anytime soon. I don't even know if I will finish it in the immediate future. We'll see.
I have thought of another story that could be turned into a novel... but I highly doubt I will be starting that for a long while. I think I want to step away from my novel for a bit. Maybe pick it back up after the new year.
Though, I think it will be weird going from stressing about my word count everyday to not having to worry anymore. Even when I wasn't writing because I was being distracted, I felt completely and entirely guilty for not writing. It ate at my nerves. I may have to get readjusted back to pre-NaNo life. Haha.
Anyways, I have a new challenge for myself: mastering the art of Rubik's. Cube, that is. Cody brought one with him over Thanksgiving break and kept figuring it out. It made him look like a genius. I want to look like a genius, too. :)
Well, I am signing off tonight, on the last day of November, as a new author. See you in December. ;)