
Thursday, April 29, 2010

WANTED: the perfect house

Both my soon-to-be roommate (read: sister) and I are extremely picky when it comes to finding a place to live. Well, we're just picky in general, but it is getting out of hand with our search for a house/apartment/duplex. She is looking for a few specifics of her own, and my specifics are quite different from hers.

What I want:
- max rent amt: $630
- location: Ringgold
- duplex or house (not apartment!)
... mine are pretty easy to please, I suppose

What she wants:
- max rent amt: more than I want to pay
because she wants...
- luxury apartment/condo or new, very nice house
- location: East Brainerd

It's not that I wouldn't love to be able to want what she wants, I am just very wary about how much I will be spending to live somewhere. However, we are willing to compromise... she is willing to give up the luxury place for a more affordable place; and I am willing to move to East Brainerd because it is hard to find a good (not trashy!) place in Ringgold. Even so, we still cannot find an agreeable place. Everything we have looked at so far has been a big NO.

There are a few places on our list that sound good, but then again, most of the trashy places sounded good too. Hopefully we'll be able to find a place that we can settle on because lets face it, the perfect rental house for an affordable amount does not exist.

In my opinion, my sister should just buy a house and I could rent a room from her. xD
But she is right, that is such a big commitment and a scary thought... but I really think she should at least look into it. What harm could that do? ;)

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