
Monday, November 01, 2010

NaNoWriMo Day 1

With the computer on my lap and notes to my left, I waited anxiously for the clock to strike midnight. In that first minute of November 2010, I typed the opening sentence of my very first novel. That first sentence is well written, if I say so myself. I can't, however, say the same for the rest of it.

After two hours of typing furiously, my eyes would no longer keep themselves open. I ended my first session with 960 words and an attitude of "what have I gotten myself into?!" I'm not really sure what I was expecting all these months since I signed up, but I can already sense a big challenge ahead of me. It is much harder than I thought it would be. I am trying to create a whole new world for people I hardly know yet; it's tough. The details matter and since I am not certain of what all is going to happen, it's hard to know what needs to be said. I guess that is what post editing is for.

I was trying to be good and not go back and read/fix the things I don't like (after all, this month is about writing, not editing), but it was so tempting. I already know it is a very rough rough draft. I will have to keep telling myself to not stop writing and that I will be able to fix it later (if it's even worthy enough for such an action).

There is a bit of research I will have to do for one of the main things in my story, so I may call on the help of Brandy and/or Shelly. They are in fact nurses and have the knowledge I will need for the basics of what is going to happen to one of the characters. (What is going to happen to them?!) Sorry, I can't reveal that at this time. :)


I wrote that at work earlier today. So, this is an update as of right now:

After work, I met Ash at Panera so she could play on her Mac while I wrote. I read her my prologue and she seemed to really like it. So I guess it is attention grabbing like I was hoping it would be. I also let Bubba and Jacob read it; they were encouraging so I won't give up just yet. ;)

I got stuck in the story at one point and didn't (and still don't!) know where to take it. At that point, I decided to start sort of in the middle at the event that take place just a couple of days before the time of the prologue. It seems to be coming along just fine I suppose. I'm thinking that writing from that point until the end will help me when I go back to the beginning. It may make it easier for me to see where the story is headed and will help me make a decision about what story I need to tell.

The reason I am even finishing this blog post right now is because I have officially reached my word goal for the day! I have actually surpassed it by a little bit. And, I am going to be writing into the night as much as I can. I hope I can keep this up and be ahead of schedule the whole month. It will make things a lot less stressful for me.

I think I am going to share the prologue with all of you guys in a week or two. I love being able to share my story, especially with anyone who reads my blog. It is precisely because of this blog that I even have the courage to share it, so you all deserve it.

Thank you for all of the support! :)

If you would like to keep up with my word count, here is the link to my NaNoWriMo page: click here for Cassie's WriMo page ... I'll update my word count after each little writing spurt, assuming I have internet at the time.

Okay, back to writing!

1 comment:

  1. I would LOVE to be a resource for your story! I can't wait for you to post your prologue!
