
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Spilled milk.

I like to blog write in public; it gives me some great content for a post and it provides a hilarious distraction for my brain which tends to over think when it's trying to write.

Take this joke, for instance: (a boy around the age of twelve just told it to his sister)
How do you get a plumber to cry?

Kill his family.

HAHA, what in the world?! It's a crappy joke, I know, but hilarious coming from the mouth of a child... he was dead serious. (ha, DEAD serious. Get it?)

Okay, corniness over. For the most part. ;)

Side note: a little Asian girl just splashed her nasty cow juice on my bag. Ew.

It looks like it's that time of year again... child pedestrians, glove-wearing traffic controllers, and crazy parent drivers are on the loose. I was lucky enough to get off early today from work. Our doctor only works half a day on Wednesdays so I got to leave at 1 while the other tech had to stay the rest of the day. Anyway, after I showered and stuff at home, I went out to run some errands. On the way to the mall area, I ran into a school zone or two. I think that school traffic is the most annoying traffic... there are all of these little bodies you've got to watch out for and these old ladies tell you when you can and cannot go. I don't like being told how to drive. Bleh.

Now, I am sitting in Barnes and Noble writing this post, people watching, and looking at the book version of this. Hilarious.

1 comment:

  1. what is cow juice? At first, I thought there must be a cow on the box, then I thought maybe juice from chick-fil-a, then I though a milk based mixture that comes in a juice box... Oh goodness... the possibilities are endless!
