
Monday, January 17, 2011

Bletley, Bubby, Loretta, etc.

I made it South Carolina on Friday night unscathed, but not without an uneventful drive. The fact I wrote about singing the whole four hours is very true and was put in to effect... loudly. It makes those four hours bearable. In Atlanta, I almost had a wreck that could have seriously done some damage. To help you picture it, just think of the movie Disturbia. The wreck at the beginning of that movie is as identical as you can get to my experience (you know, without actually wrecking...). I was going the same speed as the other cars and was behind a big SUV. He never applied his brake until a fraction of a second before he quickly switched lanes. As he moved over, I saw exactly why he did so... there were a few cars stopped in my lane. I couldn't tell if it was a wreck or a break down, but they were there. And they weren't moving. Having no time to slow down myself, I drastically turned the steering wheel to the left and nearly missed hitting the car closest to me. Thank God there was no one currently in the lane I turned into. I had to completely stop and process what just happened; my heart was pounding.

Needless to say, I was hyper aware of my surroundings on the two hours I had left to drive.

When I got to North Augusta, I went to see Cat (Cody named her Hazo, but I prefer to call her Cat) and my dad. I am definitely not a cat person, but I love this one. She is so funny! Shortly after, I went to Blakeley's (I stay with her when I visit) where Mrs. Laurie had potato soup and cornbread waiting for me. She spoils me. :) I could go over every detail of my weekend, but it was just basically us (myself, Cody, Blakeley, Austin, Justin, and Lauren) hanging out, watching movies, and having fun together; a few others also joined it at other times.

I love hanging out with my brother. Cody and I have the same sense of humor and laugh at almost everything. We seriously laugh at things most people wouldn't give a second thought to; people usually just think what we're laughing at is stupid. But I don't care. We feed off of each other's laughter, it's so fun/funny!

I got to really hang out with Cody's girlfriend, Lauren, this weekend. She is such a lovely girl! So kind and pretty. I love her already! She is also the type that can just hang with the guys (read: loves and watches football)... perfect for Cody. More power to you, Loretta. ;) 

Blakeley's bed is a magical, fluffy cloud that romances your body into a deep and relaxing sleep. I miss Blakeley, but I miss her bed even more. (Just kidding.) :D (But seriously..)

I got to go to my dad's place for the first time. He can walk out of his room and jump straight into a pool. How cool is that? The water had a frozen layer on top. Cody, Dad, and I had fun with that for a while. We also watched so many videos from (Watch this, its hilarious!) Actually, we spent much of the weekend watching videos from that website. We do love a good internet video.

Cody, Lauren, and I went to see The Green Hornet; it's so funny! I love Seth Rogen, he is one hilarious man. I fully recommend this film.

I had my first "Did you graduate from North Augusta High?" experience today. On my way home, I stopped at Chick-fil-a in Augusta. After I ordered, the guy who held the door open for me just a few minutes earlier stops me and asks that question. I reply with a nod and, "Yes." "Cassie, isn't it?" he asks, pointing at me and scrunching up his face in hopes that he is correct. Again, I nod and smile. He points to himself, "Ryan." "Oh, yeah," I say, preteneding I know who he is. "Well," he replies, "I've got to go. It was good to see you." And he promptly picks up his food and walks away before I could say anything else. It was a little awkward, but I survived.

As I sat and ate my food, I contemplated on who he was and finally remembered him (it's been almost four years since I graduated). It's crazy how that happens. You go to school with someone for four years and after you part ways, it's like you never knew them in the first place. A vague memory is all that you are left with when you start your "real life" after high school.

Since I've gotten home, my night has been uneventful; laundry, a nap, a poptart, and Dawson's Creek. I wish my weekend in North Augusta could have lasted longer.

This post is so disjointed. I should put more effort into my writing. Bleh.

Movies seen in theaters: 2
DvDs bought: 2

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