
Thursday, January 20, 2011

How to: Annoy Cassie.

Pet Peeve (n.): a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly annoying to him or her, to a greater degree than others may find it.
Defined via Wikipedia.

It may be that I am an uptight person, but so be it. I have a long list of pet peeves. Some are very mild and some are so bad it makes my skin crawl, but I can't help it... these things should not have any part in my life. I will tell you only a few of my biggest pet peeves because I know you could probably care less, and that is totally fine; and I don't want to bog you down with too many. Also, I know I rant a lot and that it can be a downer... so I understand if you bypass this post. (If you do, it was lovely to see you today! Hope life is swell.) 

So, this is your final warning: I may sound like a jerk.

1) "I'm sorry, can you repeat that? I totally wasn't listening." No, I can't. I won't. I don't like to repeat myself. Listen the first time. I really loathe when someone makes me repeat myself. Show a little interest in what I am saying and listen the first time, you know? This is probably the single reason that I could NOT be a teacher. 

2) It utterly disgusts me when a person smacks, chomps, slurps, or makes any other sound while chewing gum, eating, or drinking. Be more of a human and less of an animal when you eat, please. It is not pleasant when I am forced to listen to these unnecessary sounds, especially while I, myself, am eating. Just. Stop. It.

3) This stapler thing is getting out of control; I even told Newbie about it. Not once has it been placed in the correct spot today. I mean, look at this:
Makes me cringe.

4) If it is measured in numbers, I must have the volume set on an even one. No exceptions. So, when I am with someone who doesn't already know or understand this about me, I have to look away when they turn the volume up/down. I wait a few seconds (until I am sure it has disappeared) to look back at the radio/tv.

5) Same Side Seat Sitters. There is no reason to sit on the same side of a table or booth when there are only two of you. Move to the other side.

6) It is not polite to interrupt, so please refrain. You may tell your story when I am finished.

7) "Was you gunna use that?" <--Any sentence that resembles this one in the slightest. It makes you sound ignorant and it will not make you or your statements sound the least bit credible. Also, you sound like a cliched southern hick. That is why non-southerners think we're dumb.

8) If you ever change out a DvD when I'm around, please, for the love of God, put the disc you are no longer using back in it's original case. It should be considered a sin to leave out a disc or to put a disc in the wrong case. It's not cool, man.

9) TYPING IN ALL CAPS MAKES ME FEEL LIKE YOU'RE YELLING AT ME. I tend to not read things that are in all caps for that very reason.

10) When someone legitamately tells you a story or of an accomplishment or of something bad that happened to them, don't try to "one up" them. It makes you look showy and conceited. Also, it makes me want to not be your friend. 

Movies seen in theaters: 3
DvDs bought: 5

Stay un-annoying. ;)


  1. number 6 is ashley

  2. YOUR SO FUNNY CASSIE!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!! YOU MAKE ME LAUGH!!!! Sorry I had to do it this way since I know how you like over used exclamation points!!!
