
Thursday, January 06, 2011

Week of Suck.

Before I start my whining, I ask that you all please pray (if you pray) for my coworker Deirdre and her family; if you do not pray, meditate or give a moment of silence or send loving thoughts her way because her aunt passed away yesterday morning and she just called up here a few moments ago to tell us that her cousin passed away last night. Loss is such a terrible thing.


Now, back to our scheduled, whiny program:

Good days just keep on comin', don't they? (That is a sentence coated in sarcasm if you couldn't tell.)

I don't know what it is about this week, but I am so ready for it to be over. I just want to sleep until Sunday, which we all know is not feasible. Ugh. The reasons for my sucky week:

-I have been getting more sick with every day that passes. The snot nozzle on my face hasn't stopped pouring, meaning I have turned into a mouth breather. Also, as of this morning, I want to tear my throat out because it is on fire; water only provides temporary relief. I need to get cough drops.

-I had another one of those panic attacks a few nights ago. I wasn't going to say anything to anyone about it (except for Blakeley who already knew and helped me in all of her best friend glory), but why not add it to the list of inadequacies about myself? From these more recent attacks, I can conclude that I am either a)manic-depressive or b)completely insane. 

-I went to get gas last night because the big E was screaming at me and my card was declined as both credit and debit. So, I tried another gas station and got the same result. (This exact same thing happened to my sister.) Luckily, I had some cash on hand, so I used it all to provide for my quite thirsty car. We called our bank today and it turns out that they terminated our cards yesterday. Now, we have to wait 7-10 business days to receive new ones which means I currently have no money on hand if it is needed; And, it is needed. (No cough drops for me, I suppose.) 

-I have not had one good night of sleep this week. Every night, I toss and turn until finally, it's time to get up for work. I need a decent night's sleep.

-Tomorrow's day off has now turned into a work day. I mean, I don't mind at all working for my coworker because she had two deaths in the family, but I now can not even attempt to sleep in until Wednesday. It's just another thing to add to the list, you know?

-Plans that I had mentioned in a previous blog were cancelled, forcing me to stop all predictions of Cassie's future because I am tired of seeming like a liar/flake. It stops now; I will only tell of the present and past.

-And finally, the brand new brakes that I just got a few months ago are clicking when I apply force to them. It scares me. I need a brilliant, loving family member to take a look at it. (Brad? Thomas? Anyone?)

The bad things in life are usually more recognizable because no one likes to be miserable, but I feel like I need to shed light on the good things about this week so I don't seem like a bitter, "pity me" person. 1)Bible study last night was great, as always. We even had 12 people in attendance as opposed to the usual 5 or 6. 2)I did get one day this week of being lazy and awesome; it's better than nothing. ;) 3)I got to Skype my very best friend Blakeley for a few hours. She is undoubtedly my most favorite person outside of my bloodline. Yes, she is that awesome. Oh, yeah. Austin also Skyped for a bit. 4)My West Virginian sister and I talked for a bit on the phone last night. I miss her so. 5)I hung out with one of the greatest families (the Johnson's) and watched my most favorite dog in the world freak out and be adorable. Gus makes me laugh. >_<

Movies seen in theater: 1
DvD bought: 2

Tissues used so far today: 42

I finished this post about an hour ago but hadn't posted it before lunch so I thought I would give a quick update. I went to the bank and got an ATM card, got money out, and went to buy cough drops. Who says I can't turn my frown upside down? :) I hope everything else gets better from here on out.
And thank you for putting up with my rants (if you've even made it this far). It makes me feel better when I can word vomit on this blog; holding it in just increases my chance of taking my frustration out on people around me. ;)
Love you guys!

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