
Monday, April 25, 2011


Fifty-five facts about your faithful female friend who fancies films featuring far-out, ficticious fairy tales.

  1. I prefer a fruity dessert to a chocolate one.
  2. I tend to have those mildly psychic experiences most people have: knowing when the phone is about to ring and who’s on the other end, thinking about something completely random and it happening a couple of days later, etc.
  3. I frequently have lucid dreams, which I love for the most part.
  4. Not to say that I agree with them, but I find conspiracy theories fascinating.
  5. I like wearing shorts to bed. Never pants (unless the heat isn't working).
  6. Bad spelling and grammar annoy the heck out of me. (A mistake is one thing; a constant misuse is another.)
  7. I am opinionated but most of the time, I don't share my opinion with others.
  8. I secretly love hugs, but only if you are one of a select few.
  9. I love the smell of coffee.
  10. I am more OCD at work than anywhere else. (And I didn't know this, but my coworkers noticed! I am slightly embarrassed and hesitant when I routinely fix what is not in place now; but I still can't stop.)
  11. I don't like the fact that Will Ferrel is replacing Steve Carrell on The Office.
  12. I like walking... but only really as an individual activity. My iPod is my company.
  13. I wasn't sure how long I would last at this blogging thing; definitely didn't think it would be this long.
  14. I've been trying to condition myself to not let things bother me. (i.e. I am currently using pink post its at work, so the color is always in my peripheral vision. I try not to let the stapler out of place bother me, but that one is going to take prayer and a miracle. etc.)
  15. I want to own and learn to use a sewing machine.
  16. The only part of laundry I like is cleaning the lint trap.
  17. I like symmetrical designs; they're less stressful.
  18. It is much easier for me to express my emotions through the written word rather than outwardly.
  19. If my siblings and I weren't related, I think we would still be friends.
  20. I love accents from all over Europe! (I wish I had one...)
  21. Moe Monday and Dollar Wednesday are my favorite days.
  22. For the longest time, Mom would refer to my aunt as "my seester". B, Ash, and I would make fun of her by calling each other "seester"... it has stuck and is a regular nickname we call one another. (The joke's on us!)
  23. "Antique Yellow" is quickly becoming one of my favorite colors.
  24. If/when I have a wedding, I want the main color to be eggplant. (dark purple)
  25. I'm the RiverKidz craft girl!
  26. My best friend is getting married on May 12, 2012. I am so excited!
  27. Apparently, I say "Daytona" and "phone" weird.
  28. I am hot natured... and wish I was the opposite.
  29. If I am at home alone and I consiously think about how I haven't talked at all that day, I get the urge to say something (anything)... but I don't... I get too embarrassed.
  30. I don't really like being in a lake or ocean... it scares me.
  31. I love to watch movie previews.
  32. I really enjoyed riding the subway in NYC... the whole system was a new adventure. I hope to go back again one day.
  33. I am scared to let just anyone cut my hair. That is why it is ridiculously long right now.
  34. I love special features on DvDs.
  35. I like GoodWill shopping.
  36. Under my non-girlie, shy, quiet exterior, I am a hopeless romantic.
  37. I like to watch sappy romance/girly movies when I am stressed or overtired... I find their predictability soothing.
  38. I am a fashion tragic.
  39. I feel most creative at night.
  40. I am a closet pyromaniac (not in a she's-crazy-and-dangerous kind of way); I like to watch things burn.
  41. I check all of my social media outlets far too many times while I am at work; I am just looking for a little excitement.
  42. I am very nostalgic and love to watch the tv shows and movies of my youth.
  43. I am convinced there is a perfect movie quote for any situation.
  44. I want to have at least two of my own kids; I'm thinking I would like to adopt as well.
  45. Stop motion videos/films are so amazing to me. I would like to make a stop motion video for my YouTube channel one day.
  46. "Once you go Mac, you don't go back." So true.
  47. Any link that I open, I open in a new tab. It's hard to stop. I've tried.
  48. I love the way library books smell.
  49. I don't seek revenge.
  50. Even if you are a complete jerk to me, I could never be mean directly to you. I'm non-confrontational.
  51. When I am forced to listen to a conversation that I neither like nor am a part of, I repeat the letters O-M-G in sign language where the others can not see.
  52.  I want to write and finish a book that is at least worth publishing.
  53.  I have moles on my neck that I desperately want gone.
  54.  I spend too much time daydreaming and acting out scenarios in my head that I wish would happen.
  55. For a moment, I would like to have a foreign ear to hear what Americans sound like. Including myself.
Want more facts? There are plenty...
herehere, here, here, and here.

Movies seen in theaters: 18

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